Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Apartment Hunting

So, I feel like I should also start from the beginning on how it's been apartment hunting in Madrid. First off, I began looking on the Madrid Craigslist about three weeks before I moved here. I found an apartment that was shared, which is what I thought I wanted because it would help me learn Spanish at a quicker pace. So, I began emailing back and forth with a guy here who had a room and accepted dogs (big ones, not the mini ones that weigh three pounds here). I thought it was perfect, and went to meet him and see the apartment the second day I was in Spain (this was before my purse was stolen later that night). I took the apartment on sight, as I had already seen three or four and thought this was, by far, the best for the price.

The omen of getting my purse stolen should have warned me of the days to come. My roommate is a psycho crack addict who randomly knocks on my door and demands that I clean the kitchen. It is important to add here that I don't use the kitchen. I can't take a shower for longer than 5 minutes or he turns on the water so it freezes me out of the shower. This is especially nice when I've just put shampoo in my hair. In addition, I am, of course, not allowed to take a bath because it's against his house policy. And God forbid that I use his salt, because that would just be too much to ask. Oh, and to call my mom after I've been robbed to have SOMEONE to comfort me? Forget it.

SO, of course I immediately began looking for another apartment. After weeks of searching--apparently all the students were searching for apartments at the same time as I was--I finally found a nice apartment, by myself, in Delicias. I move in on Friday, and I'm counting down the days until I can finally be out of this house. Wait for pictures! They'll be coming this weekend of the new place!!! And pray for me that I will not experience any more nights of cracked out druggies yelling strange things in Spanish when I need to get up for work at five. Go Madrid!

1 comment:

skip said...

I am so sorry for your opening month in Spain. I'm glad you met a restorer of faith friend. you are missed!