Sunday, September 23, 2007

La noche en blanco

So last night was this insane night in Madrid. At nine o'clock the events started, and the whole city center was crammed with more people than I've seen yet. There were weird displays on buildings, people walking down the street with microphones singing weird songs, and poetry readings accompanied by modern dance. It went all night long, with people proceeding to get drunker and drunker as the evening went on. This meant the songs got louder and the streets even more crowded. Apparently the metro was horribly backed up (I walked), but I was told that there were waits for more than an hour for even just one stop. It was an entertaining night, although I must admit it was a bit strange to look at the schedule and see something didn't start until five in the morning. Strange, but very Madrid in its own way. I guess they put them on all over Europe in the biggest cities, but it gave me a new sense to the city. Especially since this was my first time of being out all night long and watching the sun rise as I walked into my apartment. But I used my horribly accented "excuse me" and "oh, I'm sorry" more than any other time so far!



sounds like just another night in europe, eh? :)

a similar thing happened down the hill from where i live in prague... a loud concert and DJs that went all night.

Molly said...

Hey, I'm glad you got this started. I want to hear about Madrid, the early days!