Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Students!!!

Last year I was convinced I didn't want to be a teacher. I didn't like most of my students, and except for a select few, the majority of them could barely write their names much less read a book. The administration was terrible and bowed under pressure to any parent who so much as raised a voice, and the community was so conservative that most of the parents refused to let their children read The Kite Runner because of the male rape scene and instead suggested Walden.

For the first time, I finally understand why I got my teaching degree. I smile when I wake up knowing that I get to come to a school with these students. Every day is a pleasure, and teaching finally has meaning for me.


Molly said...

Ah, they wanted you to teach Walden? You were obviously in a progressive community. Some of ours here in Missouri objected to the Transcendentalists because they were "secular humanists." Mom

Unknown said...

Walden? How would you teach that? Don't you just have to find the little guy wearing the red and white striped shirt?