Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas in my apartment!

It's tradition in my family to put up a Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. However, I quickly realized that this is not Portland, or the United States, where you can go buy a live tree at almost any street corner. After the initial disappointment set in, I decided to go buy a fake one. I searched all over, only to be discouraged by how much they cost. But I finally found one for semi-cheap, and I decided to wait until the next day to go buy it so I could put it up after Thanksgiving. To my great surprise, when I got home there were my two neighbors waiting for me with two big boxes. One held a Christmas tree that Javi's family never uses, and the other was all their ornaments. So we spent the evening putting up the tree and now I have a tree in my apartment, which reminds me at least a little bit of home. Spanish people still look at me like I'm insane, but hey, it's worth it. I bought a new camera for myself after dropping my other one, and I'm including some photos of the new tree. Yeah Christmas!!!

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